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hankir | 17:27 Mon 02nd Jul 2012 | Crosswords
12 Answers
In each of these clues, there is one letter misprint, which must be corrected before solving.

1. Not tearing young Scottish children away from English child (4)
Answer seems to be EILD but how?

2. A benny on top of ecstasy is hell for a poet (4)
It might be penny instead of benny to correct the misprint.

3. Rib Local cant (4)

4. Botch untangling tapes before leaving(4)

Help appreciated.


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2. ADES - variant of Hades
a penny =AD
3 Gill = Rib
1) EILD is a Scottish word for old so the misprint might be not Bearing young

children away from English child = remove CH from E CHILD = E ILD
3. GILL - double definition rib, and dialect word for cart (misprint)
Eild - not bearing young (Scot)
4) misprint might be Notch for the 1st word and that is a synonym for STEP which you can get from an anagram of TAPES if you remove the A (but can't yet see why you'd do that)
a is an abbreviation of ante, before.
..unless it's A=before (ante)
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Thank you all.
But for the word STEP, everything seems to work.
Even Notch is correct. But how to get rid of a in the anagram of tapes is still a mystery.
a for ante, before leaving.
(i did post it this p.m. - that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it)
Question Author
Thanks again, all of you.

When I last posted my comment, I had not seen the explanation of "a for ante".
Now it makes sense.

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