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Thur D Mail 14,322

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bryand | 09:58 Thu 13th Sep 2012 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Please help me to get started
1a) Taking time out, drab twitcher could be one (11)
1d) Illegal traders flog mackerels at kerb (5,10)
18a) Flea, say huge one wife removed from head (6)
My apology for having no letters>


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1a.Birdwatcher( anagram of drab twitcher -t)
1d.Black marketeers(anagram of mackerels at kerb)
10:01 Thu 13th Sep 2012
1a birdwatcher
1d blackmarkets 29a saving grace 6d

russian roulette
1a bird watcher
1d black marketeers
sorry 1d black marketEErs
1a.Birdwatcher( anagram of drab twitcher -t)
1d.Black marketeers(anagram of mackerels at kerb)
morning Danny , how are you today??
OK thanks Thistle, and how are you?
Question Author
Thank you for your prompt and informative answers, any idea about 18d)
Best wishes Bryan
trying to keep warm, tis cold here .
18d hopper, bryand
Question Author
Many thanks thistles, hope your warmer now!!

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Thur D Mail 14,322

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