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mra1 | 20:43 Fri 14th Sep 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
I am stuck on the last 3 and would much appeciate any assistance viz 1ac His showing-up seen as exoneration in a sermon in crude melodrama (6,6) ??A??? P?S?E?; 3D Dragoon guards colonel as Cambridge wit (9) ??L?E?L?Y and 1D "O..Envy! thou self-tormenting fiend" Y
Tobias Smollett, Peregrine Pickle) (7) ??L?F?L


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seen as

1a Blanco Posnet by GBS
20:46 Fri 14th Sep 2012
seen as

1a Blanco Posnet by GBS
3d Calverly

1d Baleful
O baleful Envy! thou self-tormenting fiend! how dost thou predominate in all
assemblies, from the grand gala of a court, to the meeting of simple peasants at their harvest-home
Question Author
Thank you very much - that makes 1d Baleful which was the alternative I favoured
Colonel Calverley (Officer of Dragoon Guards) - Patience
you are welcome

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