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bryand | 10:42 Tue 23rd Oct 2012 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Please help me get started!
1d) Cocoa looked odd, weird, as wake up call(4-1-6-3)
8d) Moving back and forth, grinning at food, perhaps (5,3,6)
11a) Brought up old coin in river on way back (8)
Sorry for having no letters.


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1d.Cock a doodle doo (angram of cocoa looked odd)
8d.Toing and froing(anagram of grinning at food)
11a.E ducat ed
10:45 Tue 23rd Oct 2012
cock a doodle doo
1d.Cock a doodle doo (angram of cocoa looked odd)
8d.Toing and froing(anagram of grinning at food)
11a.E ducat ed
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Thankyou mallyh, Baldric and dannyk13 for your very prompt and informative help.

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