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mra1 | 20:31 Fri 02nd Nov 2012 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Assistance please. 11A Painter well versed in French customs (8) ?O?S?E?U The only names I know that fit in are Rousseau or Cousteau neither of whom were painters! and 19A (5) "Haggard" described his wife ?L?AN Again the only male names I came up with were Alban or Allan! I am sure one or more of my trusted mentors knows the answers and I would be most grateful for their input!


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Henri Rousseau is a painter but can't (as yet) see the wordplay
Rousseau either Henri Julien orTheodore both artists
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thank you for that - have never heard of him though
Henri Rousseau did paint The Customs Post http://www.henrirouss.../The-Customs-Post.jpg
He was known as Douanier Rousseau
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Thank you - had decided it must be Allan as in Quarterman by Rider |Haggard although I have only read She and King Solomon's Miknes
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Thanks to everyone for explaining the parsing!

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