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frameshift | 07:35 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | Crosswords
16 Answers
5d Roman measures how twenty-three can equal twelve? (5) M - D - I
7d Answer criticism after final change to neighbour's channels (5) A - L - J
The 'J' isn't a typo. Thanks.


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5d modii
7d) aflaj
Aflaj (irrigation system)
Question Author
Thanks, don't understand them though.
answer = A
criticism after final change = change the last letter of flak = FLAJ
A= Answer
FLAK- criticism
Change letter K to its neighbour (j)
Do wee need to know the answers to clue 23 and 12?
We not wee!
5d The only thing I could think of which fitted and made any sense!

modulus: an integer that can be divided exactly into the difference between two other integers

so 23 mod 11 = 2,3,4,6 or 12

and mod 11 could be written as mod ii
I don't think I'll argue with that b/b!!
modii is the plural of modius which is a Roman measure, so it's probably correct, but I can't see the wordplay. Roman numerals don't explain it. Does anyone know what the answers to 23 and 12 were?
not sure that it should be written as 23 mod 11 since that usually means something different
Didn't see yours bibblebub while I was too busy researching my Roman measures.
As a mathematician I should have spotted that!
I need to look up my mod stuff (we actually did it in primary school as part of some modern maths) but I thought it was something to do with remainders
They are both multiples of 11 with remainders of one

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