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Literary term for small streams

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tencree | 12:28 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | Crosswords
36 Answers
Answer: Runnels


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Hi Tencree,

Welcome to AnswerBank! The reason for the responses you've had so far is because you appear to have answered a crossword question which hasn't been asked!

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Welcome to AB Tencree....we have a Tenrec and will no doubt mix up the pair of you....morning Sib. xx
LOL @ sibo.
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Tencree.......quizzes or chatting too? Only we'll need to tell you about TonyAV.x
And Sib likes men on their knees.
Better get your thermals on, sibo, I'm sure he'll fix it soon though.
Oi, gness.
Morning Toyboy. x
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Morning gness. lol
Oi Beldic.....I'm still wafting about in the glow of winning the pub quiz! Booby prize indeed!
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Ahhhh. That booby prize! Probably deserved that one Baldric' ;-) x

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Literary term for small streams

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