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d/m mon3rd

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petal54 | 01:22 Tue 04th Dec 2012 | Crosswords
15 Answers
4d,6.lively charecter agitated priest.e-o---
11a,10for barbeque,trio arranged series back to front.r-t-t-e---
14a,I ate crab at sea-the cause of my upset?b-c-l-ia
many thanks


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14a bacteria (anagram I ate crab)
4d Sprite (anag)
4d Esprit ?
Sprite looks better
11a Rotisserie
11a rotisserie ?
anagram trio and series
Question Author
many thanks,sprite doesn't seem to fit with other answersie 1 across. I hope you are well m'lady,not seen you about of late
What are the clues that give you the E and O in 4d Pet?
-- answer removed --
Question Author
e-p-i-,think these are correct,thank you,
have now responded headwreck,many thanks for your kind thoughts
LadyA's Esprit looks like the correct answer then.
Looks more like Esprit , then , Petals.

I've not been about because life has been hitting me a bit hard for a while. (Family ill, me not so well either etc etc)
Fortunately everything and everyone getting a bit better now.
Thanks for your concern, I appreciate it very much. :-))
Question Author
glad things on the up,ladya.seems to've been 'a bit of a year'for many,new year will be better I hope!
Here's hoping. petal. I won't be sorry to see the back of 2012.
Question Author
ditto to that

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