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Daily Record Sat' Mag'

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spellright | 16:24 Sat 08th Dec 2012 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Rotovator, or Rotavator, both seem to be correct??


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If the 'O/A' isn't checkable, either should be acceptable - Chambers shows 'rotAvator' first
I put Rotavator, but could be either or
Dictionary. com has both, but farlex only shows Rotavator.
both should be accepted if you are sending off.
Question Author
Thank you all, I'll put rotAvator
A split 4 ways if you win then. : )
Question Author
Fat chance of that, I've been doing it for years now, no luck so
Lol. : )
Never won a sausage myself : (
Hope you're lucky this time then, I've won it TWICE!!!!
Question Author
Perhaps I'm not putting the right answers, that thought has crossed my mind! :)
spellright, the answer submitted has to be match the answer that the checker has been given, that's how I like to phone and confirm if there is any doubt, it's a waste of a stamp otherwise, can't phone til Monday though, and I have never been lucky enough to win either, after all these years.

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Daily Record Sat' Mag'

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