Best British Things? in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Best British Things?

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Cadugan | 20:20 Sat 08th Dec 2012 | Crosswords
40 Answers
I have an American friend, and we decided I would send her a box of British things, and in return she would send American things. So, any thoughts on good 'British' things? I've got tea, a union jack, a mini pillar box and some biscuits and chocolate. Any other thoughts?
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robin hood figure or litrature
might be better in another section other than crosswords. Most things I can think of are too fresh to soend time in the post like crumpets.
An Emma Bridgewater teacup and saucer/mug.
album of the beatles from a car boot. lol

seriously, an album by a good british band
glenfiddick whisky, the best
a tea towel reresenting area where you live
a mug representing area where you live
a book showing our beautiful countryside
a key ring representing place where you live
mini red phone box
London bus

This is a brilliant site for London tourist souvenirs

PS anything with the Queen on it
what about small plastic quintessential british items eg ....


stiff upper lip

double decker bus

packet of chapman's haddock and bacon fishcakes
good lump of lincolnshire poacher cheese
loaf of plum bread to go with the above
pound of appleby lincolnshire sausages
slab of lincolnshire pork chine
several bags of pipers crisps

in a cold box
sloopy, they sound lovely but you can't send them to the US....
Fisherman`s Friend lozenges and Marmite (you`ll need to declare the Marmite but it should be alright)
then they'll forever remain a culinary hinterland boxy...

...eating oreos and not understanding proper bacon

sorry pasta and clannad, if you read this x
If you send them Cadbury's Oreo chocolate, they'll understand us.... ooommmmm.
A copy of your TV licence, and tell her it gives you TV without adverts and a world renowned trustworthy news service.
^bravo hopkirk
Pictures of our royal family, a recipie for battered cod with chips, oxo cubes, some postcards of local pubs, town mayors, may think of a few more in a mo !
You could also send her the receipt for the last time you filled up your petrol tank and she can have a good laugh.
a chubby brown dvd, they won't understand a word of it anyway
6d, 13a and, of course, a 57d

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