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mra1 | 19:14 Fri 14th Dec 2012 | Crosswords
4 Answers
As usual stuck on just the 2 viz 21 Ac (4) There it was after this in Bennett's book ??ER 18D (8) he was pursued by a simply divine dog (8) T????S?N The only alternatives I can come up with are Taliesin or Tennyson neither of whom would appear to have been chased by a dog and in that case 21Ac would either commence with an L or an N - can anyone of my usual kind mentors assist me?


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21a OVER
Over There: War Scenes on the Western Front (1915).
As you can see, "there" is after "over" (this) in the book (actually a pamphlet) by Arnold Bennett during WW1.
Hope that is correct!
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Thank you so much - only got back to it just now!
over thompson

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