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Seven Days

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dorothys | 17:54 Mon 17th Dec 2012 | Crosswords
15 Answers
25d) Touch, tinge (6) N?a?c?
57a) Cap extension (3 - 4) e?r/?k??
59d) Caricature (6) ??r?d?
55d) Be destroyed by fire (7) ?t???s


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25d Nuance
25d nuance ?
25 nuance59 parody
59 parody ?
For 55d you are showing only 6 letters
59d Parody
ear something. Ear muff?
57a ear muff?
55 combust ?
57a ear flap in another thread.
Ear Flap
Question Author
55d) Be destroyed by fire (7) ?t???s?
55d Answered elsewhere as 'combust' as others have said

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Seven Days

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