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Radio Times Crossword 5, 14 Down. Consequently Below Exotic Ocean Plant.

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yduj | 11:34 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | Crosswords
19 Answers
What I've got is _E_N_N_U_ . Rest of the puzzle completed but can't find any word to fit in here. HELP!


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wroth (Philip Roth)
12:42 Wed 20th Feb 2013
ceanothus = 'thus' after anagram of 'ocean'
ceanothus-ocean+thus for consequently
Ceanothus ( anagram of ocean + thus)
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Thankyou all very much, but this means that I've got 22 across wrong, verbal fury of American writer. Can you help with that one?
any letters for 22across?
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wroth (Philip Roth)
Roth (Philip)
ase ignore rote factor has it Rath
Has to be Roth (compare the length of their Wiki entries!)

OED has wroth (n): "Deep anger or resentment; wrath, rage, or fury; ire."
I'm with dr b......
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Well thanks everyone. I think dr b is probably right.
I only joined today and I am so impressed. It's comforting to know you are all out there somewhere and ready to help. I could get addicted to this!
Abandon hope all ye who enter here....
Welcome by the way....:-)
I'm happy with Roth. I didn't google that- I just googled Rath and found an author. But given the pronunciaton I should have tried Roth

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Radio Times Crossword 5, 14 Down. Consequently Below Exotic Ocean Plant.

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