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annie49 | 21:40 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Sorry posted this in quizzes and puzzles
Can anyone help with my last clues,please
1d Permanent,small buildings (7) ?t?????
2d Methodical attendant (7) ?r?????
6d Accommodation allowance (7) ?e?????
18d Officer finds the doctor amusing (7) ?o?e?i?
TIA to anyone who can help


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18 co medic
2 orderly
Did the answers on your other question not help?
Question Author
Yes Mojo-jo-jo the answers on quizzes and puzzles helped but I thought the crossword clues had to be posted here.
Anywway thanks everyone for your help.
Annie, they should be, but if you've got your answers, you don't have to post them again. The crossword topic is the best place to post them!

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