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Ev 1063: Reform By Mynot

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jim360 | 14:47 Sun 24th Mar 2013 | Crosswords
41 Answers
It took a while to sort out the perimeter on this one. Eventually the penny dropped once I saw how the left-hand side of the grid would work. I've got the source on my iPod somewhere, which helped a lot to finish the rest off!

A few very nice clues but I also haven't sorted out everything that's going on in the down clues, though I know what the instructions have to be. Also puzzled by that "9" in the top right corner. Still, overall a nice puzzle with a theme I enjoy a lot so thanks MynoT!


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Apologies, jim360. I did do a search before starting my thread but nothing came up for some reason.

Yes, that "9" is another editing error I hadn't noticed. Odd one that.
Question Author
Not a problem. My first ever question on AB and I wasn't ahead of you by much!
Hello jim360 and Twit-Who,
Whe I started this I wasn't too optimistic about completing it, but I took a leap of faith in the NE corner of the perimeter and it paid off. In my humble opinion the perimeter is germane even now!
Afternoon everyone.
I agree DocHH - amazing how much of the output of this particular source is still relevant.
I haven't got all of the extra /missing letters yet - some are pretty tricky.
And I fell into the trap at 29d.

Which reminds me - was I the only one who didn't see the instruction "pick loser" in EV 1060?
Slaney, you were not the only one. I didn't see "pick loser" originally but DocHH put me right on this website. I didn't submit though.
So he did, I didn't see that - I was just carried away with the title changing from Sonny Liston to Cassius Clay. Ah well.

Are you on UC tomorrow Jim?
Question Author
Yes indeed I am Slaney. Enjoy!
Finally figured out the perimeter via some random Googling; not sure how one was supposed to get it otherwise, although in retrospect I can see how the title fits in (only because I read the Economist religiously - I wouldn't think the average USA-er would get it).

We're in the middle of getting up to a foot of snow today! One driveway shoveling complete, 1 to go later on tonight. Is it not Spring?
I enjoyed that thanks Mynot but I didn’t find it easy. Like others here I wasn’t aware of the source and needed Google but I am not against that and all for learning. I am struggling to parse 31d and could well have the wrong one of two possibilities! Very enjoyable solve.
Hello Garaman,
The first 3 letters of the grid entry relate to the 4th word of the clue, the 5th letter of the grid entry relates to an abbreviation of the 5th word of the clue. The missing letter is in the second half of the alphabet. The first three words of the clue relate to something nautical rather thhan a toxophilitic item!
Welcome to the EV madhouse, feel free to N&C, (natter and chatter), that said I'm about to pour a generous Glemorangie to assist with preparation of dinner!
Dr b, fortunately the current deposit of snow here has missed the SE! We had about 4" about 2 weeks ago, starting monday lunch time, continuing until tuesday lunch time, 90% had disappeared by late tuesday afternoon!
Thanks so much, DocHH, my problem is senility I think! I had entered the last letter of 30a wrong and not sure quite how!

Enjoy your Glenmorangie, takes me back to my time in Aberdeen 30+ years ago!
I was late getting to this EV and, like others, I found it enjoyable but a bit surprised to read that Jim360 has it on his iPod!

Congratulations to Jim and his team on their UC win but they certainly cut things very fine after having such a healthy lead at one stage.
Came to this late and still haven't quite put it to bed. Have The Word and the perimeter, but, as usual for me, struggling to make sense of the instruction. Have the first, and final 'word' plus three others but haven't yet made sense of second and penultimate words. I always seem to get something wrong in the process of extracting missing or additional letters.
Will also have another look at 29d - you're all making me nervous now.
And yes, missed the Sonny Liston instruction - must pay more attention in class!
Ok, cracked 29 down which helps with instruction but still battling with it. I can see what the missing or additional letter for 27d must be, but it's not the letter that i have over and still got to crack the second word. Will leave it now until later.
Typical - said I'd leave it but then it leapt out at me!
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@ kayakamina - Yes, we certainly let the other team back in after steamrollering them in the first half! A few missed points here and there that we could have got (e.g. 2/3 of the music bonuses, the Mary Queen of Scots starter) would have helped, but even so a remarkable recovery and a lesson never to stop playing until the gong actually goes!

I do have the theme on my iPod - or at least three parts of the overall source material including the relevant part. Weird how that happens. I'm not exactly a full fan of the works of the authors of the theme, but I do like another one of their pieces of work almost all the way through and played a lead role in that piece as a young child.
Completed everything but I am unsure of what to shade in. Can someone help me please ? I think that it should be 38 letters in the grid, but I am open to be corrected. I found the rubric rather unclear. Many thanks in advance
The extra/missing letters spell out the instruction to shade in the perimeter,
so you are correct.
Question Author
I thought it only really made sense to shade in the fraction of the grid that is thematic but not on the perimeter. Oh well. A moral victory, if not an actual correct grid for me then!
A moral victory Jim360! Questionable morals - you cheated, just forgot to mention it in the opening post!

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