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professorplum13 | 11:09 Wed 10th Apr 2013 | Crosswords
11 Answers
12a Buried in a book with candle handle, study flying (11) A?S?????N??
8d Young one's kept in pocket with resentment about honour (9) E????????
26d Among other males, these South African ones would make dynasties (3) ??S
Thanks for any help/explanations


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12a should read candle HOLDER...
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I now have 12a - ABSCONDENCE
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For 8d I now have E???E?G?R
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Apologies - 8d now starts with "W" -(I hafd an alternative spelling for 6a)
so I think it is wambenger- an australian marsupial
w a mbe nger looks good.
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Just need 26a now to complete- possibly begins with O, coming from
25a Large area to protect carefully, dismissing first person who warned of Trojan horse (7).... possibly LaocOon.... how would that parse if it is correct please?

Thanks dannyk13 for confirmation of the others
Wasn't it Laocoon who said he feared Greeks even when they were bearing gifts?
Large area = La
to protect carefully = (c)ocoon
26d Ous ?? - H[ous] es, House = Dynasties.



(S Af, inf)

A man.

Coming from Oubaas [boss]
Oupa [grandfather]
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Thank you M

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