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Wee Stinker

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davey b | 10:17 Wed 19th Jun 2013 | Crosswords
18 Answers
Glove love ?U?T?E

25 sooner said A?? (25 is OFFER if that helps)


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25 ask ?
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boxtops. How was Glove love answered?
[s] mitten
Think i saw it as (s)mitten
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How can it be (S)MITTEN when the letters are ?U?T?E
The other post gave different letters from you
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The letters ?U?T?E seem to be correct
what are the clues that gave you u.t.e.please
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Look at the link in my answer, davy ^ - it suggests that your U is wrong. What's the clue which gives you Uppity?
could trounce be hammers then smitten would fit
oh sorry wrong place
is it??
Question Author
boxtops Clue to UPPITY is "Windward feel for wayward"
I have seen the answers Wharton gave above on another forum.

25 Sooner (Ere) said AIR

and Glove love Turtle....I have no clue about the parsing for that one.
Question Author
Thanks mamyalynne I guess it will remain a mystery.

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Wee Stinker

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