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mra1 | 21:57 Fri 05th Jul 2013 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Stuck on last 2 which hinge on each other viz 23ac (6) A Barsetshire Lady ?E???E? (I have read all of Trollope and cannot for the life of me think who this is) 24down (5) he wrote spy stories but his intentions were honourable ??A?L

Woud be most grateful for assistance


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24d) Lyall

wrote Honourable Intentions
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Thanks Bibblebub
so where does the L within the letters of 23a?

Lady Emily Leslie

Scrub that ^^^^^^^ last E's wrong!
Question Author
Incidentally have discovered that Angela Thirkall writes Barsetshire novels and she has a Lady Leslie - so presumably that is the answer to that clue!
looks good
Question Author
Oops - just noticed Baldric's input which seems to confirm my deduction - thanks anyway to you also

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