OK, RR, I appreciate your feelings on the setter's behalf. But....Firstly, this is the same for any creative process. The act of submission or publication is one of potential pain, and all of us who have ever done it in whatever field know that. Why should setters be different? Secondly, the receiving of criticism, however harsh, is the ONLY way to learn and develop at your craft - withholding criticism is doing everyone a disservice. Finally, if, as you imply, setters come to sites like this to gauge reaction, then surely they must also learn from here what their "customers" expect from a puzzle? Purely mechanical ones like this get panned - I know that, so is it beyond a setter to know that? We like twists, pdms and endgames, we like to learn something, we like intellectual adventure. And we should be allowed our voice if those are not forthcoming. Sorry, Dilwitch, I do sympathise with how you must be feeling, but, if you take this criticism as you should, your next one - and I hope there will be a next one - will be better received.