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Wed D Mail No. 14,575

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bryand | 12:30 Wed 04th Sep 2013 | Crosswords
12 Answers
17d) Secure equipment climbing on summit of Dolomites (4) G???
18d) Large kangaroos eat large flowers (8) ???O???S
21d) a pickle Henry, aircraftman, tucked into drink (7) G?E?K?N
28a) French engineer's described as quite a sight (6) ??E?U?
All help much appreciated


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21 Gherkin (erk + h in gin)
17 Gird (rev of rig + d)
28 Eyeful (sounds like Eiffel)
pickle = GHERKIN, Henry = H, aircraftman = ERK, drink = GIN, so G-H-ERK-IN.
17d gird
18d bloomers
Question Author
Many thanks Quizmonkey, bert h and bluemoon1 for your prompt and helpful answers. Does anybody have an answer for 18d please?
Not happy with 'Bloomers'?
Perhaps your posts crossed Batonboy
Don't think he'd seen it - L in boomers, btw
Question Author
Sorry Batonboy missed your post, very happy with bLoomers. thank you.
My pleasure, was just beginning to doubt my answer. Have a good day all.

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Wed D Mail No. 14,575

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