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Melody For Which A Lot Of Money Would Be Given

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nilrac52 | 16:09 Sat 14th Sep 2013 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Answer is four letters t - n -
Both tone and tune fit and I can connect with melody but I cannot connect either with "money". Anyone any thoughts on it? Thanks.


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For-tune , so Tune, maybe ?
16:10 Sat 14th Sep 2013
For-tune , so Tune, maybe ?
Yes, tune
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Excellent ladyalex and thank you. Couldnt work that one out. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you again.
fortune - yes I think that is the one

I was thinking along the lines of ton -e ton being £100
amd tun-e tun being £100 lalternative spelling

but I think for-tune is better
Happy to help :-))

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Melody For Which A Lot Of Money Would Be Given

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