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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1054 Saturday September 14Th 2013

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Medwaygirl | 17:00 Sat 14th Sep 2013 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Thankyou for previous answer (not sure how to do that properly)
Last one.
Minister's art becoming intrusive?
Is it priest? If so, why please?


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Just put your thanks in the box where it says "Type your answer here"
Yes, 'Priest' (minister) - old use of the verb "to be", so "thou art intrusive" = "thou pri-est"
Baldric - ?
Welcome to answerbank Medwaygirl,you will soon get the hang of it,hope you enjoy this site,we always try and be helpful.

LIK see first line of OP.
Question Author
Thankyou again
Baldric was answering the first line of Medwaygirl's question
Sorry- I'm an hour behind. I must change to BST

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Saturday Times Jumbo Cryptic 1054 Saturday September 14Th 2013

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