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Sunday Express

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dhagger | 17:13 Sun 20th Oct 2013 | Crosswords
14 Answers
35a./Streams or drains characteristic of mountainous regions where there is little rainfall/7/. N*l**H*


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35a Nullahs

so gullies -- although fitting the description better - is wrong then. well thats my xword buggered then :-(
Get out the tippex.
With vakayu's advice, as long as the corrected grid is legible it will be accepted by the checkers
Hi lie-in king,do you have personal knowledge of this as I have corrected my crosswords like this previously and never knew if they ignored them or not?
as i seem to have attracted the local genii -- whats the weevil ?
you are a dead set legend - i salute you o/
Glad to be of help.

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