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Puzzle9. Pmu46

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alrosa | 22:32 Thu 14th Nov 2013 | Crosswords
16 Answers
16A(9) harsh I- - a E-E-T. 17D(9) bodily - - R - O -E-- 25D(5)I - S - - 29a(11) restorative - T - M - - - - - N - Many thanks to all


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17d Corporeal
17d corporeal
29 Stimulating
29 stimulating
Clue for 25d?
25 Issue?
25d no clue issue?
25 inset/issue?? depending on clue!
LOL we're all trying to be psychics now!
I knew you'd say that Captain2
Hi captain at least there is a fair amount of agreement with our guesses.
or you could have issei !!
Or insue!

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Puzzle9. Pmu46

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