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Rte 48

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magcrossword | 18:47 Tue 19th Nov 2013 | Crosswords
11 Answers
9a. wholly god, cries Patrick will you ever get it. 3 and 7 letters.t-e ( r - n -t - )
13 and 29 a. 2 four letter words d - - r ( o - e - )
24d. t over a straight line and Y 5 letters. - e - s -
14d. 18th logo for the under eighteens 5 letters - - l - n


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9 seen as the trinity
On 9a please can you clarify the pattern- you are showing 3,6
Are those the exact clues for 13 and 29?
Question Author
it is 3 and six letter
Question Author
yes factor fiction... although I would think its the other way round
as the answer could be open door.
Okay, thanks. You'd said 3,7 which confused me. So The Trinity doesn't fit then
14d seen as owlet
24 Yeast (rises)
Question Author
oh factor fiction -----I am stupid. it is 3 and 7 letters so the trinity will fit there.... had a hard day.
So the clue for 13 and 28 does actually say "2 four letter words"?
It would make more sense if the clue just said "d--r"

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Rte 48

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