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For Bibblebub

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Andyopey | 22:44 Thu 05th Dec 2013 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Can't make sense of 27a


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one of these ??
Not sure even bibblebub can answer without the clue - but then again....
assuming i881:-

Clue: What bra is to big Bren? (7)

the full version of the name Bren is Brenda, which relative to 'bra' is end less
If it is 'Megalith'

anagram of 'I'm the' (rocky is the indicator for an anagram ) around 'Gal' - Piece of skirt.
(what i put didn't come out quite right but you get the idea)
ignore me so sorry.
I should have realised that wasn't it though difficult because Andy does not usually give clue numbers.
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Sorry for being thick but I don't understand the link you put on marma

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For Bibblebub

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