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Wilstan | 09:30 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | Crosswords
9 Answers
1a Thus desires to restrict criticism creating resentful attitude (4,6)
27a After work one retired may be given a new outlook (10)
8d Lack of refinement seen with Across clueing (10)


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1a) sour grapes
8d) coarseness
27a) reoriented
1a.So ur g rap es
27a.Reoriented (anagram of one retired)
8d.Coarseness (anagram of across & seen)
Question Author
many thanks bibblebub for your help today and throughout the year Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New year
oops, Invisible again .
Question Author
I am very sorry dannyk13 but your reply came whilst I
was replying to bibblebub. My thanks for your help throughout the year and Christmas and New year wishes equally apply to you. Have a great time
Reciprocated. Thank you
I endorse Wilstans comment about thanks for help. What would I do without the help and other peoples questions!

Thanks to you two mainly.

Best wishes to all who struggle with the Telegraph xword every day and thanks.

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