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Ross-Shire Journal

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charity-baker47 | 10:51 Fri 10th Jan 2014 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Top left corner giving me bother this week. Please help
1a Loud part of the play - and that's the truth (4) no letters
8a Strains the affected person will give himself (4) no letters (airs?)
13a Three will show approval (6) ----r-
1d Those competing in it would wear running kit - jumpers would be out of place
(4-4) ---- r--- (flat race ?)
2d Red transport belonging to me (7) ----i--


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1a f act
22 carmine
1a F act
8a airs
2d. car mine
13a cheers
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Thank you all very much. So simple when you see it. Help appreciated as always

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