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Daily Mail 23Rd Jan

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denby04 | 14:29 Thu 23rd Jan 2014 | Crosswords
14 Answers
28 across: Insurance scheme with clan could be continental (7) T?N?I?E


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Sorry, could anyone explain this please?
Take 'Clan' out of 'Continental'
ton·tine (tntn, tn-tn)
1. An investment plan in which participants buy shares in a common fund and receive an annuity that increases every time a participant dies, with the entire fund going to the final survivor or to those who survive after a specified time.
2. Each member's share of a tontine.
3. The subscribers to a tontine.
I think the clue should read "without CLAN" Therefore continental minus CLAN = TONTINE (scheme which is the definition)
A tontine is a group of people putting a sum of money into a kitty. The last surviving member scoops the lot.
No Maizie

Tontine (insurance scheme) with clan = (could be) continental
Thanks captain..
This is a for of life insurance whereby on the death or default of a participant his share is distributed to the remaining members.
got it the wrong way round :o(
I've heard of a tontine - there are pubs called the Tontine - but I never knew what it meant. Thanks, guys!
Really Boxtops? I altered nearly 1000 pubs in a previous life but never came across that name. (Off to look it up!)
Well. I'll go to the foot of our stairs!
Thank you all - I looked up tontine in the dictionary and understood that bit, but couldn't work out where "clan" came into it, now I see it. Thanks again.

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Daily Mail 23Rd Jan

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