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Task Interrupts Another Siren P Dancer

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greyhoundlady | 20:04 Tue 01st Apr 2014 | Crosswords
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Hi greyhoundlady & welcome to AB! It's always nice to include the number of letters & any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help you :-) RT15 4d Terpsichorean - 'chore' (in) anag 'siren tap'
20:09 Tue 01st Apr 2014
How many letters and any placed please?
Welcome to AB. greyhoundlady?
Is that a single clue in the title box?
Please can you provide details of the crossword name, letter count and known pattern.
terpsichorean ?
You can add the missing info just by replying to your own question. Good luck
Hi greyhoundlady & welcome to AB!

It's always nice to include the number of letters & any you've placed, so that people without the puzzle can more readily help you :-)


4d Terpsichorean - 'chore' (in) anag 'siren tap'
if it should be TAP rather than just P then it is 'chore' inside anagram of 'siren tap'

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Task Interrupts Another Siren P Dancer

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