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trajan | 18:04 Sun 04th May 2014 | Crosswords
12 Answers
Yorkshire show jumper once disciplined for gesturing indecently at judges, (6,5) h.r.e.s.i.t


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Harvey Smith
Harvey Smith
Harvey Smith.
Anyway he didn't, he gave the 'victory' the people behind him!
Lol. He always had his fingers up
Friend of yours Pixel....?
Was told to get out the effing way by him. Does that count? Lol.
Hang on. Are you two being rude?? :-)
Definitely does.

No,,,,,no Never......well......
You! Yes! Lol. I even deleted "that man" from the end of my post (see no full stop) because it looked dodgy. Oh well, can't win 'em all ;-)

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