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beanzboy | 18:04 Sat 31st May 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
1 why, we hear it belongs to us,darling!.he embraces a garbled song,unhappy with the stop gap solution:reason for sad song of poor victorian mother, according to the popular old lament? 4,4,3,4,4,3,8

2 a lioness turns to other kind of mammals 3,5

3 he advises about gums, for instance 9

4 put detail over banality 9

thanks all


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Your baby has gone down the plughole
18:09 Sat 31st May 2014
2 Sea Lion
2 sea lions
4 platitude
2 sea lions
3 Adhesives - anag 'he advises'
Your baby has gone down the plughole
Thank you, beanzboy.

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