Rte 25 Tuesday June 10Th 2014 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Rte 25 Tuesday June 10Th 2014

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lorus | 15:22 Tue 10th Jun 2014 | Crosswords
12 Answers
27a They soften the call of that LBW ball...(4,4)
i9d Speedy Gonzalez's order to go (4,4)
26d Frank would be ready for business (4)
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27 shin pads
26 open
19 Come home
18a seems to be THE FAINTHEARTED. 19d Speedy Gonzalez's order to go? is answered as COME HOME. but if the former is correct, then 19D begins with F.
Would anybody be able to sort that out please.
If 18a is Fainthearted then sureley it is 18 Down that starts with 'F' and not 19d
No it's THE Fainthearted. F is the 4th letter and that is where 19D begins. It's a bit difficult to explain.
Sorry my mistake - must read posts correctly!
I suggested Fast Food on another thread as a possible answer. Does that fit with your F
So the clue would have been fine as...

Speedy order to go.

Shoddy cluing IMO.
Thank you both for your replies. Yes FAST FOOD would fit perfectly
19d Fast food
20a Odds
25a Boffin
26d Open
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Thank you for your help .Speedy Gonzales was somewhat elusive.

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Rte 25 Tuesday June 10Th 2014

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