Times Jumbo Cryptic 1118 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Jumbo Cryptic 1118

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horseshoes | 09:29 Mon 10th Nov 2014 | Crosswords
11 Answers
1ac In east London, appropriate having source of water for arge bird.

I have put hawfinch, but can't parse it at all. Please help.

The letters I had were: H?W?I?C?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Hawfinch sounds like 'half inch'/pinch in East London/Cockney.
Hawfinch sounds like half inch(Cockney slang for pinch)
'half inch' with W[first letter of 'water'] replacing L [large]
Correction - w(source of water) in hafinch (sounds like half inch,Cockney slang for pinch)
Halfinch (appropriate) with source of water=W substituted for L(arge)
Question Author
Ha ha not when you say it with a Welsh accent it doesn't! I'd never have parsed that in a month of Sundays. Thank you.

Where does the source of water come in to it?
Question Author
Oops sorry Slaney, you weren't there when I asked my last question.

Thank you all.
'sounds like' is not required for this clue
Question Author
Ah, no it isn't; I see that now. Thanks again Bibblebub.
you're welcome
I'm sure Haw is a Scottish word for a source.. of water.

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