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Last 2 In Phoenix Christmas Crossword

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FawltyAdder | 12:51 Fri 28th Nov 2014 | Crosswords
6 Answers

I bow to your superior knowledge again for the last 3.

57a) Famous footballer discards joint in stream (4). BE??, I think its (George) Best, but don't know why.

55a) Top formula: common salt gets into common wood (8)
I have P?N?A?L?

I have everything else so happy to help others


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57 Beck(Ham) a Ham is a joint.
55 Pinnacle

nacl(salt) in Pine
55a.Pinnacle - Nacl(salt formula) in pine(common wood)
55d PINNACLE - PINE - is the Common Wood and NaCl is chemical formula for common salt
Many thanks, Mamyalynne, I was sure also it was BEST, I never heard of a beck as a stream. I think it will trick a lot of people up, so I'm glad I double-checked. Thanks again!

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