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The Phoenix Christmas Crossword 2014

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GearoidL | 20:02 Sat 29th Nov 2014 | Crosswords
45 Answers
Hi folks, I'd appreciate some help with any of the following please.
30a - For this you gets loads of money - for a song! (4) T_N_
41a - Hoping to get one's end away, go on the pill (7) _ _ P _ R _ _
61a - If the Spanish infiltrate a Royal Navy ship, they will steer the whole fleet (5)
68a - Classical conductor is late for super pop-group party (6) _ _ _ _ _ O
72a - You can get completely bogged down in such places if there's an idiot in customs (8)
62d - Can still make fire at the end of three consecutive months, but not of nine (5)
Thank you all in advance


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68 Abbado
20:09 Sat 29th Nov 2014
50d ski r t
49 Valkyries
26 bump kin
9 Ion i a
13 pe Dan t
thks to all the helpers
Hi Folks,
Need help with a few:
5d-pretng to care for it, copy her breakdown ?
1d- Twelve just men whose job was in beers ?
34d- peer with honour at listener's fleshy bottom ?
Thank you in advance
34 Earlobe
letter counts?
5d hypocrite
1d apostles
how about 45 dn " first lady receives a signal thatvshe has been taken out of danger zone"(7) E?A???E
58 ac "friend who doesn't sound very stesdfast in his beliefs" (6)??? K? R
and 56 ac "to demonstrate friendship, girl swalows it"(5) ?L? T?
Ev a cue E
58 Quaker
56 Amity

It in Amy
Thanks to mamyalynne and scorpiojo. Much appreciated
Many thanks to Mamalynne and Scorpiojoe for your brilliant help
You're welcome.
Hi all-stuck again
8a-Being horny-she doesn't look happy to be in support
11a- viewing organ as not being for public display-a dick, for instance (7)(3)
14a-being mixed up in a bar and shy about getting a drink
42a- Make a coup in the markets top man is off colour internally
71a- The Fall of 1989 began on 9th November (8)(4)
Thanks again for your help.
14 shandy
Thanks Elliemay1
11a private eye

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