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mra1 | 20:44 Fri 12th Dec 2014 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Stuck on the last 2 - 25 across Clown ranked in Our Mutual Friend J?E? and 28 across Like Lady Anne's poetry In measure exchanged BA?N?R?I?U I thought Measure might be a reference to dance but have absolutely no success with either of these clues - help would be greatly appreciated!


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25 across Joey from joseph grimaldi whose biography Dickens wrote and on whom he modelled all his clown characters in his novels
Branardine, Measure for Measure
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thank you for that eac237 - any ideas one the other one?
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Thank you Mamyalynne - never gave Shakespeare a thought! Should have done in the light of 18 down!
see mamyalynne
Also a work of Lady Anne Bacon

Sermons of Barnardine Ochyne, (to the number of 25.) concerning the predestination and election of god: very expedient to the setting forth of his glory among his creatures.

Not sure if that is relevant.
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I was going for Lady Anne Barnard!

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