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Oldie Genius 317

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mikeymonkey | 08:33 Sat 13th Dec 2014 | Crosswords
6 Answers
This is a toughie! Can't get the theme, is it polar exploration? Any help would be appreciated.


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Southern Railway's parcel van S2464S was involved.
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Many thanks AHearer. Can't believe it was that long ago, seems like yesterday he died!
I think this is the state funeral of Nson but I haven't got all the answers yet.
Sorry It should say Nelson.
Stitchmate is right. it is about Nelson's state funeral. I've almost completed it but there are a couple of words that have me baffled. 3d (which is unclued) looks like something out of Harry Potter! I have
?AVENGO?E. Can anyone see where I have gone wrong?
It is about Churchill's funeral, the boat which took him down the Thames was the Havengore which is referenced by the unclued answers RETREAT and PIERCE

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Oldie Genius 317

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