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Birley1 | 18:34 Sun 01st Feb 2015 | Crosswords
10 Answers
8 letters, 2 words 4 and 4 Draw straws, C?S? L?E? THE E is from frozen seasonal songs' snowman
6 letters, abrupt ending in glittering sport, S?I?T?
Thanks for any help


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cast lots
cast lots?
6 Shinty - shiny + (abrup)T
Where did you get the E from? Not clear - there's no E in snowman....
If this is the Sunday Post East crossword, the answer FROSTY is given on another thread, giving a T where you have an E.
frosTy the snowman!
Question Author
The E is from frozen i know there isnt an e in snowman as in C?S? L?E?
the question is seasonal song's snowman but thanks for your help
^see above: FROSTY

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