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D.r. Funday Tuesday

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No-Puffin | 10:14 Tue 03rd Feb 2015 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Last two - can anyone help me decide answer please?

73(a) Wheeling (round) 8 letters - ?w?r?i?g (wondering about swerving/swirling or twirling) or does anyone have a better idea?

85(a) Wobbling (8) w?g?l?n? (wondering about wiggling or waggling)


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Waggling imo.
This would suggest waggling

verb - move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion
move from side to side; "The happy dog wagged his tail"
verb - move to and fro; "Don't jiggle your finger while the nurse is putting on the bandage!"
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Many thanks to you all.

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D.r. Funday Tuesday

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