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Dm Pitcherwits. Wenesday.

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cupid04 | 16:37 Wed 11th Feb 2015 | Crosswords
13 Answers
1d] Steel formation place. [7,4] P???I?E ???P.

2d] Flash bulbs, with little weights on the end. [3] P?S.



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Machine shop
Question Author
1a] It's a mass of solution. [5,6] M???R WEIGHT

2d] ??S
Cupid - what do you have for 1a m????/weight
Question Author
Thank you for 'machine shop.'
Think it's molar weight
Question Author
Thank you, that makes 2d] LBS!
Never heard of that! Where's Danny when you need him?
Lbs at the end of Flash bu(lbs)?
Tilly - of course! Can't see the wood for the trees x
lbs + pound weight
1d.Machine shop
1a.Molar weight
Sorry Margo.Making tea.
You are forgiven :-)) a man has to have his tea

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Dm Pitcherwits. Wenesday.

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