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mra1 | 18:33 Fri 15th May 2015 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Stuck on 19 across Total article to be right memory for Scott's Laird
ALL(total)AN (article) ?E?T(right)RAM(memory) The only surname I can fit in is BERTRAM but cannot parse it. In any case it was GODFREY BERTRAM, the Laird in Guy Mannering - cannot recollect an Allan Bertram - can anyone clear this up for me please


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Allan Bertram,of Ellengowan is mentioned ..he flourished in tempore Caroli Primi.
He was a remembered laird in the times of Charles the first .
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Thank you both very much - I read all the Waverley novels some sixty years ago and would appear to have forgotten him! The parsing is now belatedly clear namely BE & RT
Yes. It's Be Rt for be right.
You are welcome.

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