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Dm. 15031

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twotroop | 12:14 Mon 08th Jun 2015 | Crosswords
26 Answers
4d. Arab ruler seizes power and energy in kingdom. (6)
5d. Circus figure's tender back. (4)


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emir with p and e
sore reversed. Picadilly circus
Emir + pi
Sore backwards
Good morning chaps. Hope you are both well - still chilly here
Good morning all. Chilly and overcast here.
Good morning all. Cooler but with spells of sunshine coming through the clouds regularly.
I found today's cryptic really hard, only just finished.
Me too but finished a few hours ago.
No comment
I said nothing. :-)
Today I have done 6 Telegraph Crosswords, the Mail,Pitcherwits and smallest hardest and the only problem was the one I posted.Hangs head in shame.
Been to musculoskeletal clinic today so didn't start until 11.15. They're now saying it could be arthritis - gawd I feel old!!
Is that all. You are slacking. :-)
Join the club Margo :-)
Yep. I am feeling old and stiff. Am off to Malta soon to recharge batteries. Hope lots of Rays and swimming in the sea to loosen up those unused muscles. Can't wait.
Hope you have a great holiday Retro I'm sure it's much needed. I have a fancy for Croatia having seen some of my son's photos. One of his friends got married there, looks absolutely beautiful.
Lucky you Retro, I was stationed there for three years.
Not by chance the barracks that is now a casino danny?

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Dm. 15031

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