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Rte 37

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scooke | 15:21 Mon 31st Aug 2015 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Firstly thanks for answers earlier
2d matter of life and death-and due to turn for Draculas disciples! (6)?n?e??
11a youll hear no joking once his name is given! (6)e???s?
15a shoo! Revealing how saucy it was in Dick Emerys words (,2)??,s?
22a .. to get characters in sequence for a period (5)???l?


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11a Ernest
22. spell
2d undead (anagram)
15. oh so
Did Dick Wmery say that, Svejk?
I can only remember: 'Ooh you are awful, but I like you!'

Cannot see what else the answer could be, though....
^ Emery.....dratted ipad!
don't know
Maybe scooke or someone else will be able to explain it to me....

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Rte 37

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