Remember: Not everyone will have a copy of the crossword in front of them, so please write the clue EXACTLY as it appears, the number of letters required and which (if any) you already know e.g.
Excellent on-line resource for answering questions (10) A?SWE?B?NK
Well thank you Mamyalynne and Baldric. I've certainly been told. Didn't realize there was some secret handshake and protocol to this. What was I thinking? Who knew that if you ask a question about Times Jumbo you'd have to supply the clue?
For popular crosswords like Saturday's Times Jumbo the clue isn't usually necessary because there are people on here who've already done it (me included).
there are too many "these are the rules" responses these days - if a poster doesn't give the clue then either someone with the crossword can give the solution anyway or the questioner will just have to wait for an answer