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St Cryptic 2,815

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spenser | 20:01 Sun 27th Sep 2015 | Crosswords
8 Answers
12a) They can have views without buying lies about popular party points (6,8) I have windowsh---ers
20a) Turned out to cover people on condition it avoids stress (14) I have worked it out as under-----ment
4d) Like many retired people, please put in revised order (6) s-e--
12a) Rise as bandleader in the middle of dance (6) r---l


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12 Window shoppers
4 Asleep - anagram
4d Asleep anag of please
12 Re-B-el
Is 12a 5 or 6 letters?
Obviously one of your 12acrosses is wrongly numbered
Question Author
.... and when you all give me the answers I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. Its a headshaker! Thanks, all. (and sorry for the 2 x 12 acrosses - I'm a tired girl now) x

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St Cryptic 2,815

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