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Dm 15139

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debbiejoanne | 15:33 Thu 05th Nov 2015 | Crosswords
17 Answers
Assuming 4 down is list price and 3D is Dante what is answer to 11A


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Clues ??
Clues please
3D dance
11a cat
Sorry that's 9 across.
Debbie, you know how to post a question here - you have done it before.

To make threads exclusive to only those with the puzzle is not really the ethos of the site.
debbiejoanne - please please give the clues!
Question Author
Thanks everyone cannot workout were dance comes from
Apologies! Won't do it again - retreats to corner ;-)
c(clubs) inside Dane(European)
If you told us the clues...
Nor can we with no clue.
Neither can most of us without knowing the clue. Hold the paper closer to your screen so that we can see it ;))
Question Author
sorry if I have upset anyone I a hurry to get out
Margo, it's up to each of us to answer or not - my message was to Debbie.
The clue is European hides clubs and ball Dan c e

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Dm 15139

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