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mra1 | 14:48 Fri 18th Dec 2015 | Crosswords
11 Answers
in full a popular place in some small print I?I?E? looks like IBIDEM but again I don't get it -


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IBId + Em ( a small print size)
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many thanks fiction-factory
I'm not sure of teh definition though
FF. em is a large print size en is the smaller size
Ibid - the abb. for Ibidem is usually written in small in the text.
Try using a different browser. This always happened to me when I used Internet Explorer. I switched to Chrome and apart from some issues 2 weeks ago (which may have been mouse related) it has been excellent. Others say Firefox and others work well too. I did get a new browser called Edge with the new device I bought a few days ago and that was even worse than IE on AB so I went back to Chrome. Give it a try if you're on IE still
Okay thanks danny. Are you saying it's not IBIDEM?
It's the 'a popular place' i was puzzled by- unless it's just another way of saying 'the same place'
Mamyalynne ^^^^
Yes, but i'm not sure why it says 'a popular place'
in the same - regular/popular I imagine
'as before' etc

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