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mra1 | 07:34 Sat 02nd Jan 2016 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Thanks to everyone yesterday I have managed to complete. However the parsing of 8 down - which would appear to be APHORIZER escapes me. Clue - eyes are we hear on Harpo possibly but might more readily describe Groucho


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Grocho had a way with aphorisms and the letters of Harpo are in there. Can't see more though.
Did Groucho speak in aphorisms?
Anagram of Harpo +izer (sounds like eyes are)
izer- eyes are(sounds like)
also, ize sounds like eyes
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Thanks everyone - I sort of got the Harpo & eyes bit but itwas thereference to Groucho that really threw me!
8d: Groucho said, "Home is where you hang your head." That's a sort of aphorism.

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