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St Cryptic 2830

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Chris38 | 11:09 Sun 10th Jan 2016 | Crosswords
8 Answers
21 across (4) C?A? Rabbit caught by bowler, say. Can`t crack this one for the life of me - any solver`s explanation much appreciated.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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c hat
C hat
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Many thanks, mac44 and dannyk13. "RABBIT" meaning "CHAT" - slang always fools me - still living in the 19th century, I suppose.
//still living in the 19th century, I suppose.//

you must be getting on a bit
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Now, now, aelmpvw - it wasn`t meant to be taken literally - but I suppose it`s closer to the truth than I would wish to acknowledge.
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Scorpiojo, not sure what your little symbol means or, more interestingly, what your (new?) emblem signifies. However, I did see your reply to another enquirer who had not acknowledged your efforts and therefore left you feeling rather neglected. Believe me, I ,for one ,often see and appreciate your solutions.
Chris, the emblem is a small smiley face, and my avatar is my birth sign..and that is a very kind comment, thank you.

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St Cryptic 2830

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